Monday, 11 April 2011

Never Be Greedy

                                Once  three  friends  were  travelling  through  a  forest. On  the  way they  found  a  purse  of  gold.  They  became  very  happy  and  decided to  divide  the  gold  equally  among  themselves. They  felt  hungry  and sent  one  of  them  to  a  nearby  town  to  bring  food. In  his  absence they  plotted  to  kill  him  on  his  return  and  divide  the  gold  between themselves. On  the  other hand, the  man  who  had  gone  to  the town, ate  the  food  himself  and mixed  poison  in  that  of his companions  to  have  the  whole  gold  to  himself.
                               When he returned, the two men killed him. But  before  dividing  the  gold, they  ate  the  poisoned  food  and  died  soon  after. So  none of   them  could  get  the gold.

Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

                           Ravi  and  vijay  were  two  close  friends. They  set out  on  a journey. Their  way  lay  through  a  forest. They  always  boasted  of  each  other’s  friendship. The  forest  was  full  of wild  animals. They saw  a bear  coming  towards  them. On  seeing  the bear  vijay  climbed  up  a tree. Ravi  did not  know  how  to  climb. He  was  in  a fix  and  did not  know  what  to  do.  He  at  once  lay  down  like  a dead man, holding  his  breath. The bear came to ravi  and smelt  his  body. He  took  him  to be  a dead man  and went away. When  the  bear  was out of sight, vijay came down  and  asked  his  friend  what  the bear  had  said in his  ears. Ravi replied  that  the  bear  had  warned  him  not to  trust  false  friends. Vijay  felt  ashamed  and  they  resumed  their journey  

Eyes Need No Light

                            Once  an  old  man  was  living  in  a  village. He  was  very  modest. He  had  no  vision  as  he had  lost both  his eyes in  an  accident. However, he carried on  his work  on his  own  and never  sought  any  help  from  others. He used to  go  to  market  alone  as  any  person  with  good  vision  would  do.
                         The blind man  used  to  carry  a hurricane  lamp  with  him whenever  he  went  out  after  sunset. The village boys  used to chide  him as a fool. They mocked  at him  saying  it was  idiotic  on his  part  to carry  a  lamp  as  he  could not see the  light. The blind man  kept his cool and  addressed the  boys, ”My  dear children, it is  true  I don’t  need the  lamp I  can’t  see the  light. But  normally  people  are careless.  The are always  in  hurry. Many times  they  would not notice  the thing  or person  in front and  bump on it. To save them from this sort  of  mishap, I carry the lamp”.
                          The  village  boys  esteemed  the old man for his  kind thoughts  and  apologized  to him for their folly.

Honesty Is The Best Policy

                              Once a wood-cutter was cutting wood on the bank of a river. Suddenly, his axe fell into the river. The wood-cutter was very much aggrieved. He bewailed and bemoaned over the loss of his axe. In no time, a stranger appeared before the wood-cutter with a golden axe. The stranger asked the wood-cutter if that axe was his. The wood-cutter replied that it was not his. The stranger again appeared with a silver axe. But the wood-cutter again declined to accept. The third time, the stranger dived into the river and brought the iron axe back. On seeing this iron axe, the woodcutter was overjoyed. He exclaimed "Oh! generous hearted soul, this axe is mine". God Mercury was very much impressed and pleased at the honesty and sincerity shown by the poor wood-cutter. He gave all the three axes to the wood-cutter as a reward for his honesty and truthful.


United We Stand Divided We Fall

                           An old farmer had three sons. They always quarrelled with one another. The father advised them several times to live together in peace,but in vain
               One day the farmer lay on his death bed. He called his sons and asked them to bring a bundle of sticks. It was brought. He then asked them to break the bundle. None of them could do so. The farmer then asked them to untie the bundle and try to break each stick separately. Now even the youngest son broke them easily. 
              At this the farmer said. "See my sons, the power of union". So long as the sticks were tied together none of you could break them. But as soon as they were separated,each one of you broke them easily. In the same way if you live unitedly nobody will be able to harm you. But if you quarrel and live separately, everybody will easily overpower you 
              The boys took their father's advice to heart, and lived peacefully ever after.