Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The Wise Jackal

               A  poor   Brahmin  was  travelling  through  a  forest. He   came   across   a   tiger  caught  in  a  trap. The  tiger  saw  him  and  begged  him  to  let  him  out. The  Brahmin   took    pity   on   him   and  opened  the  door  of  the  cage. On  coming  out  the  tiger  wanted  to  eat  Brahmin. The   Brahmin    pleaded    for  his  life, saying  that  the  tiger  was  ungrateful. He  proposed  that  they  should    ask    someone  else  to  decide  the  matter. The  tiger   agreed.
              They  first  went  to  a  pipal  tree. The  tree  said  that  all  men  were  ungrateful. It  gave  them  shade  but  they  cut  its  branches.  Next  they  met  a  bullock.  He  too  was  tired  of  the  cruelty  of  his  master. He  worked  hard  but  was  ill  fed  and  beaten. He told  the  tiger  to eat  the  Brahmin.
           The  Brahmin  was  despaired. He  then  consulted  a  jackal. The  jackal  took  pity  on  him  and  saw  through  the  wickedness  of  the  tiger. He  said  that  he  would  decide  the  case  after  he  had  seen   how   it  all had  happened.
          They  went  to  the place. The  jackal  said  that  so  big  a  tiger  could  not  get  into  so  small  a  cage. The  tiger  jumped  into  the  cage  to  show  he  could. The  jackal  at  once  shut  the  door  and  walked  away  with  the  Brahmin.        


  1. Replies
    1. Never trust a wicked person
      Help others but do not make yourself the victim of the situation.

    2. What is tha morel of the story?

    3. Never Trust a wicked person

  2. A good story and nice moral

  3. Where is moral of this steps

  4. Replies
    1. Any judgement should be given due thought

  5. A poor Brahmin was travelling through a forest. He came across a tiger caught in a trap. The tiger saw him and begged him to let him out. The Brahmin took pity on him and opened the door of the cage. On coming out the tiger wanted to eat Brahmin. The Brahmin pleaded for his life, saying that the tiger was ungrateful. He proposed that they should ask someone else to decide the matter. The tiger agreed.
    They first went to a pipal tree. The tree said that all men were ungrateful. It gave them shade but they cut its branches. Next they met a bullock. He too was tired of the cruelty of his master. He worked hard but was ill fed and beaten. He told the tiger to eat the Brahmin.
    The Brahmin was despaired. He then consulted a jackal. The jackal took pity on him and saw through the wickedness of the tiger. He said that he would decide the case after he had seen how it all had happened.
    They went to the place. The jackal said that so big a tiger could not get into so small a cage. The tiger jumped into the cage to show he could. The jackal at once shut the door and walked away with the Brahmin.
